[8.17]It Takes Two to Tangle

It Takes Two to Tangle                        Written by Rob Hanning
                                              Directed by Wil Shriner
Production Code: 8.17
Episode Number In Production Order: 185
Filmed on:
Original Airdate on NBC: 27th March 2001
Transcript written on 10th April 2001

Transcript {David Langley}

Act 1

Scene 1 - Cafe Nervosa

Fade in.  Niles is sitting and drinking coffee.  Roz comes over to
him, wearing a somewhat revealing dress.

    Roz: Hi, Niles. [She sits.]
  Niles: Hey, Roz.
    Roz: Hey, how's Daphne?
  Niles: Actually, I just got back from visiting her at the spa.  It
         wasn't easy, but she's already lost nine pounds and twelve

[N.B. This is an inside joke.  Jane Leeves had her baby, Isabella
Catherine Coben, weighing in at nine pounds and twelve ounces.]

    Roz: Wow, good for her!  It's all about willpower.

A waiter hands Roz a plate heaped with brownies.

[N.B. First appearance of James, the "unflappable" barista/waiter.]

    Roz: Oh, thanks.
  Niles: Um, I'm going back to the spa this coming weekend, if you need
         a ride...
    Roz: Oh, these aren't for me.  Alice's school is having a picnic 
         and I'm bringing the goodies.
  Niles: [looking at her cleavage] Yes, I see.  Just don't get them
         sunburned. [off her look] I'm sorry, it's just... aren't you
         a little overdressed for a picnic?

Roz gets a Tupperware container out of her bag and puts the brownies
in it.

    Roz: Well, there is this cute single dad named Greg.  He's going
         through a divorce, his wife cheated on him.  He's so nice, 
         too.  He deserves a woman he can trust.  Do these look like 
         I baked them?
  Niles: Yes.  Just as long as they don't taste like you baked them.

Frasier comes in.

    Roz: I gotta go.
  Niles: All right.
Frasier: Hi, Roz.
    Roz: Hey, Frasier.

She grabs her things, gets up and leaves.

Frasier: [to server] Can I get a latte to go, please?

He comes over to Niles table and sits.

Frasier: Well, Niles, it's official: our old high school is on the
         verge of bankruptcy.
  Niles: Well, what happened to the fundraising committee?
Frasier: We disbanded it this morning.
  Niles: I don't believe it.  Bryce Academy gone.  No more third floor
         library.  No more science lab.
Frasier: Oh, gosh.  I stole my first kiss in that science lab.  Jill
         Solomon.  She was pretty upset about it, but I was beaming
         all the way to the nurse's office.
  Niles: No more nurse's office!  I spent many a happy gym class there.  
         Frasier, we can't let this happen.
Frasier: I don't see how we can prevent it, Niles.  Believe me, there
         are no more alumni arms left to be twisted.
  Niles: Well, maybe we're twisting the wrong arms.  We know plenty
         of people who give to any cause that comes along.
Frasier: Perhaps you're right.  Let's get some of that cash flowing
         Bryce's way!
  Niles: Yes.  Now, how soon do you think we can get some of our well-
         to-do friends together?

The waitress brings Frasier's latte and he and Niles get up.

Frasier: No time to waste, Niles.  How's Wednesday evening?
  Niles: I can't, theater tickets.  How 'bout Thursday?

They get their coats and put them on.

Frasier: I've got an appointment at the spa.
  Niles: Well, can you change it?
Frasier: Well, not willingly.  It's with the good masseur, the blind

Niles gets a look of revelation.

Niles: He's blind?!  When they said he couldn't see clients, I thought
       he was just booked all week.

They exit.  FADE OUT.

Scene 2 - Frasier's Apartment

Fade in.  Niles and Frasier are preparing for the party.  There are
servers helping.

  Niles: Now, we should probably talk strategy before the guests get
Frasier: Yes, all right.  We don't want to pounce.  Let's let them get
         settled in, have a few cocktails, and when they're
         sufficiently relaxed comfortable, we'll shear them like

They laugh and the doorbell rings.

  Niles: Our first guest.
Frasier: Let the fundraising begin!

He opens the door to reveal a group of people.  He ushers them in,
shaking hands and greeting.

Frasier: Hello, one and all.  Please, come in, come in, please.  
         Let me take your coat.  Please, make yourself at home.

He hands the coat to one of the servers.

  Guest: Frasier, the place looks wonderful.
Frasier: Thank you.
  Guest: I love that painting!
Frasier: Really?  Well, it's hardly as impressive as that portrait
         Hockney did of your wife.
  Guest: You like it?  Make me an offer.
Frasier: Excuse me?
  Guest: Between you and me, I'm getting hammered by margin calls.
         Need a watch?

The doorbell rings again.

Frasier: Actually, that's not... [He breaks off and goes to greet the
         new guest.] Mertzie!  Good to see you.  How is everything?

CUT TO: Niles talking to another of the guests.

2nd Guest: So the judge voided the pre-nup and if that's not enough
           on top of it, I'm paying half her lawyer's fee.  These
           Russian gals look good on the internet, but...

The scene DISSOLVES to later.  Frasier finishes with a guest and walks
over to Niles.

  Niles: How are things going on your side of the room?
Frasier: Not very well.  It seems Marshall sank all his money in a new
         house.  Sally sank all her money in a new boat.  Which sank.

Two women come in the door, one of them is wearing an eye patch.

Frasier: Wait!  Niles, at the door, isn't that...?
  Niles: Oh, yes it is.  Eleanor Lynch.  I hear she got a huge 
         settlement from the Mariners after that bat flew into 
         the stands and...
Frasier: No, no, no, the woman next to her.  Isn't that Penelope 
  Niles: Of the Penelope Janvier Foundation?  Yes, it is!
Frasier: Niles, this is amazing luck.  She could write a check covering 
         the whole amount without batting an eye!
  Niles: Yes!  Don't put it that way in front of Eleanor.  Let's go
         talk to her.
Frasier: No, wait.  We're only going to have one crack at this, we 
         better make it a good one.  Let's devise a little plan, come
         with me.
  Niles: Oh, all right.

They head to the kitchen.  One of the servers, stepping down from the
raised floor, twists her foot and cries out.  Penelope hurries over.

Penelope: Oh, my goodness.  Are you all right?
  Server: Oh, I just twisted my ankle.

Penelope takes the tray from her.

Penelope: Well, sit down, I'll take this back to the kitchen for you.
  Server: Oh, thank you.

Penelope starts to walk over, but Martin pokes his head out of the

  Martin: Psst.  Hey, sweetheart.  I need some more Crunch 'n' Munch.
Penelope: Oh, I'm not...
  Martin: I'm sorry.  I'm sure your busy, but if my sons see me 
          traipsing through their party, they'll think I'm gonna 
          embarrass them in front of all their stuffed-shirt friends. 
          [He takes a cracker from the tray she's holding.] You look 
          familiar.  You ever dance?

CUT TO: the kitchen.  Frasier and Niles are working on their plan.

Frasier: Now, we've got to appear casual.
  Niles: All right, all right.  Should we start with a little small
Frasier: Perhaps, perhaps.  Yes.  I remember an aphorism that's usually 
         attributed to Santayana, but I have my own little version...

Niles looks out and notices.

  Niles: We've go to get out there right now!
Frasier: Just give me the chance to get the words right.  "Money can
         not so enrich a man..."
  Niles: She's talking to Dad!
Frasier: Let's get the hell out there!

They hurry out.  CUT TO: the living room as they rush over to see
Martin closing the door behind Penelope.

Frasier: Dad, Dad, what happened with that woman just now?
 Martin: Nothin'.  She got a phone call and she had to leave.  She said 
         to say thanks.
  Niles: Oh, come off it.  You offended her somehow.
Frasier: What was it, Dad?  A bawdy joke?  Nose whistling?
  Niles: Do you have any idea who that was?
 Martin: Yeah, she said her name was Penelope John Veer or Jeen Veeair
         or somethin'...
Frasier: Janvier, Dad, Jean, JEAN!  Oh, it doesn't matter.
 Martin: Well it does to me.  I wanna say her name right if we're
         havin' dinner tomorrow.
Frasier: You didn't ask her out, did you Dad?
 Martin: No, she asked me out.
Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry, Dad, it's just that I'm a little shocked.
 Martin: Actually, I think that's pronounced "Sorry, Dad, I'm a
         condescending jaque-ass."

He stomps off to his room as Niles and Frasier act contrite.  FADE OUT.

Scene 3 - Frasier's Apartment Fade in. Frasier and Niles are eating at the table. Niles: Dad left to meet Penelope five hours ago. What could they be doing? Frasier: I can think of one possibility. Niles: You think...? On a first date? Frasier: Niles, they went to a steak house. Penelope's paying. I'm sorry, but I don't think a forty-eight-ouncer is out of the question. He grabs the plates and he and Niles head to the kitchen. CUT TO: the kitchen as they enter. Frasier: You know, Niles, hard to believe but Penelope Janvier could actually become Dad's girlfriend. Nile pours two sherries. Niles: Well, that's not so preposterous. Mom was as cultured and intelligent as they come, and he certainly made her happy. Frasier: That he did. You know it might be good for Dad, too. [He takes a sherry from Niles.] Thank you. Niles: Yeah. It certainly won't hurt our fundraising efforts. [raises his glass] For Bryce. Frasier: For Bryce. They clink glasses and sip. Martin can be heard coming in the front. Niles: He's back! Is that a woman's voice? Frasier: My God! She came home with him! They hurry out. CUT TO: the living room as they enter. Frasier: Dad. Niles: Dad, hey, how was your evening? Martin: Ah, couldn't have gone better. Frasier: Dad, am I mistaken, or did we just hear the sound of a woman's voice out here? Martin: Yeah, she's in the powder room, but listen... Frasier: The powder room! I haven't changed the hand towels for three days! Niles makes a sound of disgust. Frasier: Don't you cluck your tongue at me! He hurries over as the powder room door opens and a woman, not Penelope, comes out. Martin: Uh, Estelle, I'd like you to meet my boys. This is Frasier and Niles. Frasier: Hello. Estelle: Nice to meet you guys. Niles: Hello. Estelle: Thanks for lettin' me use the john. Martin: Oh, sure. See you tomorrow, okay? Estelle: Great. She kisses Martin and he holds the door for her. Estelle: Bye guys. Frasier: Bye-bye. She leaves and Martin lets out a big sigh. Martin: I'm beat. Well, see you guys tomorrow. He starts to walk to the hall, but Niles and Frasier close in his path. Both: Dad? Martin: Oh, all right, here's what happened. Penelope and I got along great, but after I dropped her off, I was still hungry. So I went to this little coffee shop near McGinty's for chili fries. Now, I know what you're wondering: doesn't McGinty's have chili fries? Yes, and they're very tasty, but... Frasier: Who the hell is Estelle?! Martin: She works in the coffee shop. We got to chattin' and the next thing you know, we're havin' a nightcap at McGinty's. Hey, when it rains, it pours. He edges past them. Niles: Yes, Dad, but what about Penelope? Martin: Oh, I'm seein' her Tuesday. Niles: You just made a date with Estelle. Martin: Not for Tuesday. Niles: You're going to date both of them? Are you sure that's wise? Martin: It's just dating. I met 'em both at the same time, I like 'em both. Where's the harm in it? Niles: Well, don't you think that's a bit risky? What if one of them should find out? Frasier: Penelope for example. Niles: Yes, yes, you wouldn't want to alienate her permanently. Martin: Oh, don't worry. I've watched you juggle. I got a pretty good handle on what not to do. Frasier is left without a comeback. FADE OUT. End of Act 1 Act 2 Scene 1 - Cafe Nervosa Fade in. Niles comes to the counter for some sugar, Roz is there, dressed up. Roz: Oh, hi, Niles. Niles: Hey, Roz. Off to another picnic, I see. Roz: Yeah, Greg and I are really hitting it off. He loves my cooking. Niles heads back to the window seat where Frasier is sitting. The Waiter comes up to Roz. Waiter: I'm sorry, ma'am, we're out of lemon bars. Roz: Well, make some more. And give me a dirty pan. I need to put it in my sink. Waiter: I'm sorry, our baker doesn't come in 'til tomorrow. I can give you the recipe. Roz: What am I supposed to do with that? Waiter: Bake? Roz: Is that supposed to be funny? CUT TO: Niles and Frasier at the window bench. Martin comes in and heads for the counter as Frasier folds his newspaper over. Frasier: Good lord, Niles, you won't believe this. Bryce trustees are already reviewing a proposal for the purchase of their land. Niles: Dad just walked in. Let's drop another hint about meeting Penelope. Frasier: The time for hints is passed, Niles. We've got to be direct. Niles: Dad is not going to let us ask his girlfriend for money. Frasier: I didn't say "honest," I said "direct." Try to keep up, for God's sake! Martin walks over. Martin: Hey, guys. Frasier: Hi, Dad. Niles: Dad, have a seat. Martin sits next to Frasier. Frasier: So, wow! Is that espresso? Martin: Yeah, a little pick-me-up in between dates. This juggling thing isn't as easy as I make it look. But don't you worry: they're both gettin' first class passage on the "S.S. Martin." Niles looks at Frasier with realization. Niles: Oh, THAT'S where you get that from. A cell phone begins chiming "The William Tell Overture." Frasier and Niles check theirs, but Martin reaches in his pocket. Martin: Oh, that's me. Frasier: You got a cell phone? Martin: Well, sure, I had to. You don't think I gave them both my home number, do you? Come on, Fras, that's amateur hour. See, I programmed the phone for different rings depending on who's calling, so that way I don't get caught off guard. Now, this is "William Tell", rhymes with "Estelle." He answers. Martin: Hello? ... Oh, hi, Este... nelope! He covers the phone. Martin: Penelope, that's right! Her son's name's William. [into phone] Uh, yeah. Oh, sure, Tuesday sounds great! Pick me up at seven? Okay. See you then, Penelope. He disconnects. Niles: Very smooth. Frasier: Yes, yes. Dad, about Penelope, actually, we were wondering... Martin's pone begins chiming "I've Been Working on the Railroad." Martin: Now see, that's Estelle. [He answers.] Hello? Hey, Estelle, I had a feeling it might be you. Tuesday at seven? Sounds great. The boys gesture frantically. Martin: Oh, hold on a sec. [to them] What? Frasier: Didn't you just make a date for Tuesday at seven with Penelope? Martin: That was Thursday, wasn't it? Niles: No, no, we both heard Tuesday. Martin: Oh, thanks. Boy, that coulda been ugly. [into phone] Estelle, sorry no, Thursday's out. It has to be Tuesday. [The boys gesture again.] No, wait, uh, no, Thursday. Thursday's what I meant. Yeah, okay. Talk to you later. Bye. He hangs up. Martin: She's got it bad and that ain't good. Frasier: Dad, listen, we were thinking it might be time that we meet Penelope. She sounds enchanting. Niles: Yes, enchanting. How's tomorrow? Martin: Oh, guys, I don't know. Meetin' the family, that's taking it up another notch. I'm not sure if I want to get that serious yet. Maybe in a few months, but right now I want to keep it simple. Niles: Simple? As in "Estenelope"? Martin gets up to leave and notices a woman who's leaving. Martin: Hello... Who's that? Frasier: Dad, for God's sake! Isn't there enough on your plate as it is? Martin: What can I tell you, Daddy's got a big appetite! He leaves. Frasier: Dear God, what'll we do now? Niles: I don't know. I guess we could have him neutered. Well, I suppose we could try to get to Penelope through her foundation. Frasier: I already tried that, but there's a six-month waiting list just to see her. Martin's cell phone starts chiming "The William Tell Overture". Frasier: Good lord, Dad must have left his phone. Maybe I better run and tell him it's Penelope. He starts to rise, then settles back down with a cunning look. Frasier: You know, I'll never catch him. Niles: No, he's long gone and would probably want you to take a message. Frasier opens the phone. Frasier: Hello? No, this is his son, Frasier. Penelope Janvier? Oh, how nice to speak with you. A cocktail party, tomorrow night. He'll be there. In fact, I'll make sure of that, I'll be driving him myself. You see, my brother Niles and I will be with him all day. It's our once a year family day and we do just about everything together. What's that? Are you sure, really? Well, then yes, we'd love to come. He and Niles grin smugly at each other. FADE OUT.
Scene 2 - Penelope's Home Fade in. Frasier, Niles and Martin come in and take off their coats. Frasier: My, Penelope certainly has good taste. Niles: Well of course, she likes Dad, doesn't she? Martin: Oh, can it. I'm still mad at you guys for inviting yourselves. Now, remember, be careful what you say in front of Penelope. I've got a delicate balancing act going here, so don't mess it up. Penelope: Don't mess what up? Martin: Oh, ah, uh, your lovely living room, my boys really like to rough-house. Frasier and Niles playfully shove at each other, Martin kisses Penelope hello. Martin: Penelope, these are my sons, Niles and Frasier. Frasier: Yes, hello, we spoke on the phone. It's such a pleasure to meet you. Penelope: Thank you. Frasier: Dad speaks about you all the time. Niles: Yes. Martin's cell phone begins chiming "Railroad," he reaches for it nervously. Martin: Oh, uh, that's just my alarm, to remind me to... take my pills. Penelope: Oh, well, let's get you a glass of water. Martin: Oh, no, that's all right, I'd rather do it in private. He walks off. Niles: Yeah, he has trouble swallowing. Frasier: A small epiglottis. Niles: "Epiglottis." Haven't heard that word since biology class in high school. Frasier: Oh, yes, high school. It's a pity about our old high school... Penelope: Oh, William! A man comes over. Penelope: Niles, Frasier, I'd like you to meet my son, William. Frasier: Ah, hello. Niles and Frasier hold out their hands, but William just stands there. William: [deadpan] Nice to meet you. Penelope: These are Marty's boys. William: [deadpan] Oh, hi. [to Penelope] Did I just hear Doctor Kallman asked you for fifty thousand dollars for a new CAT scan machine at the hospital? Penelope: It is a worthy cause. William: Yes, Mother, they all are. But it's inappropriate to hit you up for money at a party. Penelope: Teddy was your father's closest friend. William: Bourbon was my father's closest friend. I showed Ted out. Penelope: William! He delivered you. Excuse me, I have to go get him. Frasier: Yes, all right. She hurries off. William: People look at my mother, all they see is dollar signs. Makes me sick. What are you guys doing here? Frasier: Us? Oh, well, actually, your mother invited us here. Niles: She did. William: Uh-oh. Mother's been cornered by Father Patterson. Or should I say, "Father Sponge"? He walks over to the man and points to the door. Niles: Oh, my goodness. It's going to be hard pressing our case to Penelope with him around. Frasier: Don't worry, Niles, we'll get a chance. We've got all night. Niles: All right. Martin comes back. Martin: Don't get too comfortable, boys, we've gotta leave. Frasier: What? Martin: Well, it turns out I had a date with Estelle tonight, she's been waitin' half an hour. It's not like me to screw up like this. Niles: Well, what about Penelope, Dad? You cannot just walk out on her party. Martin: Hey, Estelle took the evening off special just to be with me, you know, and she's pretty steamed. Rules of the game: angriest woman wins. His cell phone chimes again. Frasier: Oh, good lord. Martin: Ah, geez! Grab your coats. He hurries off as Penelope comes up. Penelope: Frasier? Where's your father off to? Frasier: He, he had to take more pills. Penelope: My goodness, I had no idea he was on so much medication. Are you concerned? Frasier: Well, not really, no. He'll be fine. I just wish I could same the same for our old high school. William walks up. William: What are you three taking about? Niles: Umm, William, there you are. Excuse us. [Niles takes his arm and leads him away.] I just wanted to alert you to a possible situation. I overheard one of the servers discussing a one-act play he wanted your mother to produce. William: Okay, which one? Niles: I think it was something by Chekhov. CUT TO: Frasier talking to Penelope. Frasier: The long and the short of it, Ms. Janvier, is, is that my alma mater, Bryce Academy, is in dire straights. The coffers are bare, and our only hope is to find a savior. Forgive me for being presumptuous, but I was hoping it might be you. Penelope: Actually, I'm familiar with Bryce. Frasier: Oh, well then you must also be familiar with their excellent standards. Penelope: Yes, I am. They wouldn't let in William. Frasier: Well, with your endowment, I'm sure he'd be a shoe-in. I, I'm sorry, Ms. Jean Vie, please, we are desperate. Penelope: Ordinarily, I wouldn't even consider this, but... I'm very fond of your father. Call the foundation tomorrow with the details and we'll issue you a check. Frasier: Thank you, thank you. That's very kind of you, thank you so much. Penelope: It's my pleasure. I'd do anything for your father. He's a rarity: he's an old-fashioned gentleman. Martin comes in. Martin: Well, I gotta go. Penelope: Marty, what's wrong? Martin: Oh, I'm feelin' a little under the weather. Penelope: Oh, well then maybe you ought to see my doctor. He's here at the party. Martin: No, I don't need a doctor. Penelope: Those were my husband's last words. Don't move. Martin: All right, if you insist. She walks away, Martin gestures to Frasier. Martin: Pull the car around, I'm goin' out through the kitchen. Frasier: Dad! Dad! For God's sake, you can't leave now! Penelope will get suspicious! Martin: Estelle's already suspicious. Besides, I've decided to break it off with Penelope. Frasier: What?! Martin: Well, hearing Estelle just now, how upset she was on the phone, it made me realize how much I cared about her. Frasier: All right, listen Dad. Bryce Academy is going bankrupt. Penelope is going to write a check tomorrow to save it. So until then, I need you to pretend that you're still interested in her. Martin: I can't believe this! You and your brother have been using me! His phone rings again and he reaches for it. Penelope comes over with a man. Penelope: Martin? This is Doctor Kallman. Martin: Oh, well, it's nice to meet you, but I'm feeling a lot better now, thanks. Penelope: If I let you leave without knowing if you're sick, I'll worry all night. Frasier: And you wouldn't want that, now would you, Dad? Here we are. He helps take Martin's coat off and tosses it over a chair. Martin: All right, all right. Frasier: Doctor, be thorough. Martin: But the pants stay on! Dr. Kallman and Martin head off. Frasier: Ms. Janvier, I realize that I've been a little pushy... Penelope: Oh, not pushy, just assertive. I like that. Frasier: Oh, well, then be prepared to love me, because I need that check right now. CUT TO: William and Niles examining the servers. William: Was it this one, Deviled Egg Guy? Niles: Uh, you know I'm not sure. He and Chicken Sate Guy look so much alike. William raises his voice. William: All right, listen up: Which one of you snack jockeys is trying to get a play produced? All of the servers, and one of the guests, raise a hand. CUT TO: Frasier. Penelope comes back into the room with her checkbook. Frasier: Ah, Ms. Janvier. Thank you again, so much. Just make it out to "Bryce Academy." Penelope: Do you have a pen? Frasier reaches in his pockets. Frasier: Oh, yes, when you sign as many autographs as I do, you always have to have your... oh, good lord, I'm... Penelope: Never mind. [calling out] William, I need a pen. William: What for? Penelope: I'm writing a check. William: Oh, that's it. Look, we're going down to the "special" room, and we're going to talk about this. He starts to walk over, but Niles hurries around and faints into his arms. William: Mother, I... He flops Niles around and walks over to Penelope. William: Mother, I forbid you to write another check. Penelope: Oh, just give me a pen. William: I don't have one. Niles pulls out his pen and holds it up, Penelope takes it. William: Mother... William throws Niles to the floor, where he scrambles up. Frasier: Oh, lord. William: ...this could be an elaborate scheme to bilk us. You don't even know who these guys are. Frasier: We're Marty's boys. Penelope: And I trust Martin. Martin's cell phone begins to chime in his coat. Penelope: Oh, that's Martin's alarm. She reaches into the coat. Frasier: Just ignore that. Penelope: This is a phone! Niles: Here, I'll take it. Penelope answers. Penelope: Hello? This is Penelope, who is this? Estelle, Martin's girlfriend? William glares at Niles who looks down. Penelope: May I take a message? Martin rushes in. Martin: Pill time! Time for more pills. Penelope: I'll tell him. [She closes the phone.] Estelle says don't bother coming over tonight. Oh, Marty, how could you? Martin: I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you, but... I guess this means breakfast Tuesday is off? Penelope: That's right. And it was Thursday! Martin heads back to get his jacket. Penelope: I don't need this pen anymore. She hands it back to Niles. Frasier: Ms. Janvier, please. I don't blame you for being angry, but if you believe in the hope of tomorrow and a brighter future, then please, please don't punish the children of Bryce Academy for our misdeeds. William: Oh, boo-hoo. Penelope takes the pen back from Niles and picks up her check book. William: Mother! Penelope: That's enough, William. I made a promise to these men, and I'm a woman of my word. She signs the check, tears it out and hands it to Frasier. Frasier: Thank you. Thank you so much! Niles: You're more gracious than we deserve. Frasier: Yes. She hands the pen back to Niles, then she and William leave. Niles: Well done, Frasier! Frasier: Oh, Niles, I can't wait to see the expression on the headmaster's face when he sees this check for... [he looks at it] ...fifty dollars. Niles: What?! Frasier: Uh, well, I, I guess it's fifty dollars more than we had before. Martin comes back in. Martin: Well, let's go fellas, grab my coat, will ya? Frasier: Right, Dad. Frasier grabs the coat. But, when he turns around, the coat knocks a vase off a table. He and Niles look at it, panicked. Then Frasier puts the check down on the table and they slink out quickly. FADE OUT Credits: Roz is at the counter at Cafe Nervosa. The counterman from before brings out a cake. She thanks him, then points to his apron. He hands it over and she puts it on asking how she looks. He gets some glaze from the cake on his finger and dabs it on Roz's face. She looks annoyed until she realizes it gives her that "been cooking" look and thanks him again. She grabs the cake and heads out.

Guest Appearances

 Guest Starring
 BARBARA BABCOCK as Penelope Janvier
 CANDACE EDWARDS as Party Server

Legal Stuff

 This episode capsule is copyright 2001 by David Langley. This episode
 summary remains property of Frasier, Copyright of Paramount
 Productions and NBC. Printed without permission. 
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