The Frasier transcripts on this site were originally transcribed by Simon Aw, Matthew Barr, Kathy Churay, Michelle Cushley, Andrea Day, Erin Evans, Abby Fletcher, Kelly Dean Hansen, Nick Hartley, David Langley, Michael Lee, John Masson, Iain McCallum, Allie Murray, Shawne Wang, Paul Warner, and Brandon Westerheim. The transcripts were posted on a GeoCities site called, The Frasier Files. I would like to personally thank each and every contributor, although I have no way to contact them because I only have their names. So if one of the original contributors is reading this, thank you!
Why not just leave the transcripts on GeoCities?
As many of you know, GeoCities (owned by Yahoo!) had its services and access to all pages shut down. The official statement was that Yahoo! wanted to "focus on helping our customers explore and build new relationships online in other ways". In my opinion, GeoCities probably just wasn't profitable enough (if at all) to justify keeping it online.
What about ReoCities and OoCities?
Both of these sites have archived content of GeoCities but the main problem is that no one is allowed to edit the content because currently they do not have the original usernames and passwords of the account owners. There is a need to edit the existing content because, while the Frasier Files is great, it is certainly not perfect and there is room for improvement in terms of typos, additional content (for example, the French dialog of Frasier), and SEO links. The purpose of our site is to archive and enhance the existing content.
How did you port the Frasier transcripts?
Creating an archive of the Frasier Transcripts was not an easy task simply because it was time consuming. The transcripts were derived from and ReoCities. And once on local storage they were a mess because each file contained unwanted HTML and javascript code, mangled characters, and missing data. Here are the steps that were taken: